A downloadable Adventure module

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He had wings of white light, skin golden gleaming, a heart hot as a star. They say he was built to slay demons—to be humanity’s defence against the dark.

The dark came and the world ended.

They say the mountain above your town was a demon, once. He is lodged up there, tangled in the corpse of the foe he slew. He is broken. But not dead.

God soldiers! Bio-mechanical monstrosities, with wings made of white light, with hearts as hot as red stars, bred-built to vanquish humanity's enemies. One is lodged in the mountain above your home. Broken, tangled in the husk of the demon it slew---but not dead. Its warheads cause your goats to sicken, to warp. Its leaking ichor stains the surface of your river. Every evening, at sunset, it screams. You have to cover your ears, else see terrible things. The war is over, the megacorps are gone, world is ruined. Life goes on. Something must be done with the god soldier. Not all swords can be ploughshares. It must be taken apart, piece by piece, put to rest. Not easy! Where will you find an axe to sever its hyper-steel limbs? What song might possibly bring its war-mind peace? Which demon must you petition, to quell its smouldering heart? The god soldier's shadow falls on your roof. 

The job falls to you.

An adventure by Zedeck Siew for ECO MOFOS!!, compatible with all Mark of the Odd and Cairn-like games. 

Updated 3 days ago
Published 5 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorDavid Blandy
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
Tagscairn, ecomofos, into-the-odd, module, OSR, tabletop-roleplay


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ECO MOFOS!! To Put away a Sword.pdf 949 kB

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A video of an actual play of another ECO MOFOS!! Adventure 


Just read through it, and even though I have little experience with Mecha games/stories/adventures, I was drawn in and the writing and atmosphere of the module sold it to me. Great work!


thanks so much! I was blown away when Zedeck sent in the text. It’s such a rich space to explore.