A downloadable Weirdhope crawl

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The Black & White pdf is $10, the Full Colour version is $20

Around two hundred years ago, everything went to crud. The wealthy, who created this mess, fraked off to Mars while the lucky ones hid in vast underground bunkers. We were left to fend for ourselves on the surface, eeking out an existence in the broken world they left behind, searching for remnants of a past world to help us survive, searching for a place to call home.

Play a group of misfits who have found each other in the wastes and ruins of the fallen world. The past is just a hazy legend, the story scattered over thousands of usb sticks and servers, but the future is there to be written.

For some  examples of adventures in this world, check out these: 

EM01 Mecha Mystery: To Put Away a Sword

EM02 Family fun with hoverboards Into the Antlion's Den

EM03 A deadly exploration of an old Bunker Abyss Protocol

EM04 A billionaire's pad, fallen into ruin A-Hole in the Ground

EM05 Body horror cult in an old silo The Silo

EM06 Oil as an infectious disease Malady Jalopy

EM07 A dreamy delve Tower into Elsewhere


RULES LITE GAMEPLAY based on Into the Odd and Cairn, a tried and tested system perfect for rulings-driven OSR/NSR/FKR gameplay. The text is entirely CC-BY-4.0, so remix and hack to make your own game. I'd love to hear about anything you create.

LIFE PATHS will your punk die during creation, or will they wrangle some handy skills? Don't push your luck! A fun mini-game, and a great start to an adventure.

NO-PREP ADVENTURES so you can concentrate on following the story at the table, discovering the world together. Uses randomised maps and tables to create dynamic scenarios as you play.

BURDENS Rather than gaining Fatigue, Punks gain burdens, filling their inventory with emotional baggage that has specific requirements to be removed, leading to all sorts of new scenarios and high-jinx.

ADAPTATIONS There's no levels, just adaptations, body altering substances and devices that trigger new potentials. Search for Key Items like Orbs and implants, and revel in the visions brought forth as they meld with your character's self.

LOOT There's so much of it- a massive d666 table of it for random bits and bobs, with more tables branching off that, sorted into sections so certain areas can have certain kinds of stuff. Who knows what they'll find?

VIBE Not Grimdark but Weirdhope, channeling weird and alternative scifi like 1980s 2000AD (Rogue Trooper, ABC Warriors, the wastes outside the Megacities), Star Wars: A New Hope, Ubik, Dhalgren, Stalker, Rogue Trader, Parable of the Sower, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Door into Ocean, The Night Land and The Dispossessed.

SOLO MODE Extra rules to help you play ECO MOFOS!! as a SOLO MOFO!

THANK YOU to all our backers! Here's the updated pdf in full. The full colour version will be going to backers shortly.


Art - Daniel Locke is an illustrator, comic artist and zine maker with several internationally published works (Out of Nothing, Two Heads) who loves TTRPGs and creating weird worlds. Dan has been working with David on all sorts since they met at art school 20 years ago. 

Art - Aaron Cattoir is an artist, anti-capitalist and Ttrpg zine-maker who makes awesome stuff for awesome systems. He drew much of the art in the early version of ECO MOFOS.

Editor- IKO  is a writer and editor who publishes tabletop role-playing zines at The Lost Bay Studio and hosts a podcast about and with indie role playing game designers. 


Chris McDowall is the original creator of Into the Odd

With Elements from Bastards. Micah Anderson, Mausritter Isaac Williams, DURF Emiel Boven, Cairn Yochai Gal, Meteor David Lombardo, Mythic Bastionland Chris McDowall, 24XX Jason Tocci, Notes Nakade, Bite sized Dungeons blog Marcia B.


Get this Weirdhope crawl and 770 more for 5.00€ EUR
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In order to download this Weirdhope crawl you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

eco-mofos!! beta pages 3.pdf 9.7 MB
eco-mofos!! beta spreads 3.pdf 9.4 MB
eco-mofos!! Digital Final 1st Edition BW.pdf 5.9 MB
eco-mofos!! Digital Final 1st Edition FULL COLOUR.pdf 6.5 MB
if you pay $10 USD or more
eco-mofos!! Digital Final 1st Edition COLOUR 150dpi Spreads.pdf 27 MB
if you pay $10 USD or more
eco-mofos!! Digital Final 1st Edition COLOUR HD pages.pdf 68 MB
if you pay $10 USD or more

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Support this Weirdhope crawl at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.


If you're in need and can't afford a copy of the game, help yourself to a community copy of the digital zine. Please leave a rating if you do. 

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ECOMOFOS!! Character Sheet.png 3.3 MB

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is there an SRD of this?

Hi! There is no SRD, but all the text in the game is open source and copyright free, so feel free to copy/paste the parts you like and adapt it into the game you want to make. The licence is CC-SA-4.0 so your new text would have to be open source (share alike) too. 



This is one of the best indie games I have ever seen. Everything from the mechanics, the story, the random tables (my God!), the artwork, and especially the layout is so good.  I really can't say enough for how much I love this.  This game is top shelf.  Publishers asking a lot more money for their product aren't even close in terms of quality.  

Thank you for sharing your talent and your vision.  Sadly, the world going to... well you know... seems around the corner more by the day.  This really does bring a sense of hope and tons of fun.

hey, thanks so much! I love working with Dan, and so looking forward to writing more for this world. Feel free to join the Discord if you’d like to talk to other creators.

Right on!  I just found the Discord and I am definitely excited about that!  I hope Christmas and Boxing Day were both great!

Right on!  I just found the Discord and I am definitely excited about that!  I hope Christmas and Boxing Day were both great!

Hello. I've just bought this and it seems as it has a 50% discount value it does not contain the colour version. If I knew  I had paid the full price

Ah apologies! I try to make it clear. If you want to purchase some other things (maybe a few adventures?) up to $5 I’ll send you a download key for the colour version.

Thanks! that was my plan, getting all the adventures

Great, thanks so much! If you let me know a good email, I’ll send the download key 


Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in providing community copies of your game. I’m a disabled pension who can’t afford much so these free gifts really help me out in playing games and keeping my mind active. I won’t be broke forever so plan on coming back when I’m able to help out.

I really appreciate your hard work and kindness in providing community copies.

This is rad.


Awesome work, David and team!


We’re running a Jam! Make your own adventure for ECO MOFOS!!  https://itch.io/jam/eco-mofos-jam-a-ruin-a-glade-a-wasteland

Review of ECO MOFOS!! from the Weekly Scroll

I'm glad JP Coovert mentioned this game because as soon as I saw it, I was like THIS is the game I want.  I'm not a huge fan of medieval fantasy.  I'm more in the post human wasteland.  Plus Into the Odd and Cairn are my speed for rules and complexity.  This looks amazing and I cannot wait to start playing!

Ah that’s great to hear, I hope you have a lot of fun with it. Come join us on Discord if you want to chat about the game - https://discord.gg/RpNtk3Upe4

really pleased and surprised to be mentioned alongside all these great games. 
(1 edit)

Hi. I saw your game and basically bought it on first sight. The trouble is I didn't realize you need to pay $10.00 (I got it on sale for $5.00) for the full color version. 

Is there any way to either refund it and re-buy it for full purchase or can I somehow pay/donate the last 5.00 for the full color pdf?

oh sure! You can just buy it again and pop your email address in here and I’ll send you a download key for the colour version. thanks!

(2 edits)

Thanks Man! that's super cool of you! I Bought it again, but I'm gonna email you my email address just so it's not out there publicly.

I also bought this in the boundle and the color files are not included :(

Sadly the only the black and White version is included in that bundle, as it says in the description. It’s still pretty great value, with 6 zines and the game. The colour version is available in the £20 bundle. If you want to upgrade, you can purchase something from me for $10 and I’ll send you a key for the colour version.  

It's definitely good value! Had my eyes caught that "b/w" I might have just got Eco Mofos and a module, but well... it's all right, thanks!

Hello! Enjoying the book a lot. I did want to ask two things:

  1. If you gain an additional Adaptation via rolling on the Lift Path table on p.47, do you also gain that new Adaptation's gear?
  2. Would you consider recording a video where you walk through the Adventure Procedure on p.89? I think the process is clearly written, but seeing it in practice would definitely help. Further discussing how you would manage those procedures at the table would also clarify a lot!

Thank you, and thanks for this system.

Hi, thanks so much for playing! You may take one item from the gear list for each Adaptation you gain during the Life Path.  

As for the video, I’d love to do one, I’ll just have to find the right moment. I’ll see if I can get it done next week and let you know. 

Wonderful, thank you for responding and for considering the video. Cheers!


I just downloaded the new version of the book and, unfortunately, I missed the Kickstarter campaign. However, I'm eager to buy the physical version when it becomes available. Is it already out?

hi Carlos, that’s great, thanks. Yes it’s available! Where are you based? There are stockists in the UK (Igloo Tree) and Germany/EU (All the Problems in this World) and there are a few left over from fulfilment at Space Penguin Ink, but you’d have to purchase those through me (as they only stock their own games), but it would save on shipping if you’re US based.

Hi, there. I'm in the US and I'd like to buy a hardcover of Eco Mofos and saw this comment. How would I do so through you? 


Probably the easiest way (as itch is so clunky) is to join our Discord server, and we can discuss it there. Thanks! 

Hello David! How are you? I have an address in the US and I am very interested in purchasing Eco Mofos!!! I will join your discord so we can talk about it


Just got my new book - stunning! 

Quick question - is the Solo Mofos supplement going to be made available here at some point? I'm keen to check it out (and potentially use it on my yt channel, Lone Adventurer).


ah thank you so much, glad it got to you! The solo rules are all at the end of the book, but Chaocalyse’s supplement that reproduces that with punky flavour will be uploaded to itch very soon, probably next week. 


Ah cool - thanks for responding! I'm a fan of Chaocalypse and wanted to make sure I had everything he had put together for the game - glad its in the book. I'll keep an eye out for the fancy supplement though!


please do! Chaocalypse makes amazing stuff. We’re actually printing a seperate zine for him- our first act of third-party publishing! 


Oh awesome - I've seen this a bit on his yt channel - looks great and very cool to hear that you're publishing it. I take it that means that it'll be readily available somewhere in the UK - Iglootree (spotted their bookmark in with Eco Mofos)?

PS Chaoclypse is in the process of creating a self-contained solo rpg. Maybe you should get on at him about putting that out at some point too ;)


yeah it’s already at Igloo Tree, I don’t think they’ve put it up on the site yet though. I tried to get on the solo one too but he’s already working with someone else (someone excellent) on that. 


cant wait for the spiral bound to arrive in my mutated little claws


can’t wait to get it all ready for you! The art is so close now, and the writing is going through final passes. Thank you! 

I've been really enjoying this game and I'm looking forward to the Kickstarter version! One thing that I don't understand is Supply. If I start the game with a pair of goggles in my inventory, can I convert them into Supply later in the game to repair something? Or is Supply completely different than regular lowercase supplies? Does 1 Supply take up an inventory slot? Hoping to get more answers in the next version!


Thanks for playing! Working hard on the KS version as we speak, so I’ll add some clarification into the revised rules. But to answer your question, Supply takes one inventory until it is used. Once it’s used for repair or revealed as another common object, it stops being Supply and becomes that repair or other thing. Supply is the potential of something, like Schrödinger's Cat. The reverse transformation is impossible, BUT a reasonable scrapping of something to repair something else would always be allowed. Say there’s a broken telescope, you could use googles to repair it, or an empty oil drum and a blowtorch could repair some armour. If it works in the fiction, the story you’re telling, it works in the game. Hope that helps. 

Hi! Just wondering if the itch version will be updated in line with the Kickstarter? Awesome work btw!

thanks very much! The text will be updated- The itch version will be updated to the pdf of the spiral bound, and I’ll do a slightly higher tier for the pdf of full-art version, and seperate pdfs for the bundle of adventures. You would get all of them as soon as they’re ready if you back the Kickstarter at any tier except $1. 

thanks for the info!


Chris McDowall read through ECO MOFOS!! on steam last night! So good to hear his thoughts. Lots to ponder. 
(4 edits) (+1)

This is a great!

Just want to report a couple of inconsistency in text :)
1. Page 9 - Who are you section - Supply (p.XX) should be be Supply (p.17)

2. Page 9 - Juice Section - Burden (p.XX) should be Burden (p.10)

3. Page 77 - Job Table - Action Result 1-2 and 3-4 should be different?

4. Page 11-16 - In the starting item text, there are variations of +1A, +1 Armour, 1 Armour. I guess they all mean the same thing?

Also a suggestion if I may, is it possible to remove the use of profanity in the text or maybe add some variety? Somehow they feel out of place eventhough this is a punk RPG. On the other hand, maybe they are just not integrated well enough throughout the text (there are 4 F and 2 Shxt words in 74 pages. Somehow I wish there are either more creative uses of them or just none of them...)

Many thanks for taking the time with the game! The text here is still very much a WIP, so I’ll resolve all those issues before release. I agree about the profanities. They were there at the genesis of the project but now seem largely redundant. I’ll settle on a “voice” throughout. Thanks again. 

Dan and I got to play ECO MOFOS!! with Tony Plus 1 EXPand Colin Le Sueur We played my one-shot adventure A-Hole in the Ground and it was awesome. Thanks so much all of you. I had a blast.


Great game ! I love the variety of loot and the locations table are great. However I did not quite understand how map making works (eng is not my first language).

Do we use Day Scale for travelling (1 point = a few hours of exploration) between Week Scale point ?

I think an example of a finished game map with differenciation between Week and Day scale point would help a lot.

I know the answer could be "do as you like, interpret the rules" but I am really trying to grasp what you intended with this map system.

Thank you !

hey Vrago, thanks for checking out the game and taking time to read it through. 

I think you’ve perfectly understood the essence of the map system. At Week scale, a map represents major points of interest, divided by a certain number of day’s travel. 

Each of those individual days of travel is represented by other randomly rolled maps, as the player seeks to travel from Entrance to exit through the terrain. 

The maps can even be used at a smaller scale, inside Bunkers and Lairs, to represent different rooms in an underground space. 

Does that help at all? 

Thanks for taking of your time to answer, I really appreciate it !

Okay so the maps at Day Scale take the place of the "lines" between two Week Scale point of interest to represent a sort of path between places. I was leaning into this but I'm glad you confirmed my doubts.

I was also wondering, when do you roll on the Terrains or Location table (those with the Environment and Feature columns) ? I guess the answer could be "whenever you feel like" but I'm wondering how you do it.

Can't wait to start my first game on this, the loot tables are really great

no problem! I play that you roll when you or the players see it. Like say they’re at a Settlement and there are 3 routes out-  they would know the terrain of each of those routes. And those terrains stay the same all the way to the next Point on the Week scale. If there’s local knowledge, say they’re taking to an NPC, the terrains can be known before they’re reached. I hope that helps! 

Oh ok! I was talking more about specific features of terrain.

Imagine you want to travel to some Stronghold ahead, two days of travel through Wilderness. As I understood, we roll on the Map table for 2 maps (Day Scale) to go through before reaching the Stronghold. During the travel, we know it is wilderness, how often do you roll for features or environment on the "Wilderness Table" (page 46). Each point ? Or Each day ?

I don't know if I'm really clear here sorry ! :')


ah ok! It’s a new roll, at every point in the Journey, roll for environment and feature. If there’s an exclamation mark, also roll for Hazard, if a question mark, also roll for Loot. 

(9 edits) (+1)

Has something for everyone! Interesting "Solar Punk" style world with some magic/punk hybrid elements that blend ttrpg genres with a dystopian and cyberpunk, then wrap it in a synthwave retro theme?! Gasp... and it's 70 pages! (Zine version is 40)

One thing I would like to see is Solo only version with some narrated, choose your own adventure paragraphs... oh wait, you also made Lost Eons!

Thank you so much for your comments and taking the time with the game! Feel free to add a rating if you haven’t already. I think a more cofefied solo module would be great. I may well make one, using the Wretched and Alone template I used for Babel. Glad you’ve heard of Lost Eons! 


Bananas, in the best way. A post-post-apocalyptic, weirdhope, mutant punk game of adventure. There’s nothing else like it.


This is a great game with really strong exploration mechanics and a striking tone.

Our game pitch on Dieku! 

Nice read through of an early version of the game by Lone Adventurer!

Follow the Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/daniellocke/eco-mofos


Very cool game!
There is a Playthrough in PT-BR in this channel:


amazing playthrough of the game,as a solo player. Illustrates the map procedures so well. 

A nice little mention of ECO MOFOS!! in this excellent podcast.

It's really really good!

Thanks so much!


Your game looks really fun and has awesome vibes.

 I do have a question regarding ranged combat. 
The section on attacking says “Ranged weapons roll damage in melee, but only hit if the dice shows a maximum.” 

Does this mean that if an opponent gets within melee range, hitting them with a melee weapon instead would make the hit an automatic success?
And if a ranged weapon deals 2d10, for example, would the dice rolls need to show two 10’s in order to hit an opponent in melee range? 
(Lastly, are we rolling for damage regardless of range to allow for the possibility of rolling a 1 and gaining Wear?)

I appreciate your time and applaud the effort put into this work, I can’t wait to run it.

hey, thanks for your support and looking so deeply into the game! Ok, so this system is based on Into the Odd, and in all games of this type you don’t roll to hit, you hit automatically and just roll damage. However, that damage is reduced by Armour, so roll low and it may all be absorbed. Whenever something has additional dice, you roll both and take the higher number. It’s a way of having higher average damage for particular weapons. For ranged weapons in melee, they mostly miss, but if they do hit, ouch! So yes, in the example you give, the ranged weapon attacker in melee would roll 2d10, and if the higher number was 10, then it hits for that damage. Double 1 and it would gain wear (so unlikely, but possible) 

Hope that helps! I’d love to hear how your sessions go. 


it’s a Jam!! An adventure Jam!!Make something cool  https://itch.io/jam/eco-mofos-jam


This is rad, love the vibe and the art. Mechanics are from fun systems and look solid. I'm in the middle of running a kickstarter but I'm defintely going to try and run this in the next few weeks. 

thanks! I’d love to hear about your sessions. And good luck with the KS! 


This is so cool!! Overflowing with style and tables.

thank you! Tables are my one true love. And art I guess


nice video from Black Gallarina about the making of Lost Eons, which shares a setting with ECO MOFOS!! 

My interview with Logar the Barbarian on Wobblies and Wizards, talking about ECO-MOFOS!!

My last game, just about to have a physical release